Resources for educators, mariners, partners and the public. Click through for information to help you learn more and teach others how to Be Whale Wise!
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Best Practices
- What Every Boater Should Know (Flags, Entanglement, Noise)
- How to Reduce your Environmental Impact on the Water
- Marine Mammals and Boaters Safety and Stewardship
- Depredation Guide for Commercial Fishers
- How to Mitigate Risks to Cetaceans Posed by Large Vessels
- Boaters and Marine Mammals Webinar
- Boating with Whales in the Salish Sea – What you need to know (video)
- Preventing Ship Strikes (video)
- Boaters Guide – For boaters, by boaters
Grades K-5
Grades 6-8
- Southern Resident Killer Whale Fin Matching Activity
- Saving the Southern Resident Killer Whales
- Humpback and Orca Video Quizzes
- RBCM@Home Resident Orca Family Structure
- RBCM@Outside at Saturna Island
- Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales
- Turn down the volume! The impact of sound on Harbour Porpoise
Grades 9-12
Mixed Level
Teacher Training
At A Glance
- Southern Resident Killer Whale Management Measures (CAN)
- Marine Mammal Regulations (CAN)
- Protection of Southern Resident killer whales (US WA)
- Protection of killer whales (US)
- Marine Mammal Protection (US)
- Species in the Spotlight: Killer Whales (US)
- Endangered Species (US)
- Southern Resident Orca Recovery in Washington State (US)
Other Information
- Saving the Southern Residents Story
- San Juan County Southern Resident Killer Whale Stewardship Efforts Story
Templates and Image Bank
- Boating Around Killer Whales in Coastal BC – Give them space (video) (CAN)
- Salmon & Orcas: The Stories of Science with NOAA Fisheries & Lynda Mapes (webinar)
- NOAA Live! Webinar 100 – Killer Whale Tales: Environmental Science through Storytelling
- What orcas teach us: the southern residents’ battle against extinction and the state of our watersheds (webinar)
Brochures, Posters, and Guides
- NOAA Take Action Brochure
- Boating Around Killer Whales (poster) (CAN)
- Gulf Islands Interim Sanctuary Zones (postcard) (CAN)
- Interpreter’s Guide to Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales
- Boating Around Killer Whales: Know before you go (brochure) (CAN)
- Protecting Southern Resident killer whales in Southern BC Coastal waters (CAN)
General Resources
- Training for Mariners
- Underwater Noise and What Mariners Can Do About It
- See a Blow? Go Slow! How to avoid collision with large whales
- Sightings Reports & Maps
- The Return of Giants
- DFO Watching Marine Wildlife Guidelines (CAN)
- Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies – Vessel Speed Reduction in California (webinar)
- Your Earth is Blue: Tagging Humpback whales (video)
- Noise in the Sanctuaries (video)
At A Glance
Facts & FAQs
- Elephant Seals
- California Sea Lions
- Harbor Seals
- Moulting Elephant Seal Information
- Moulting Elephant Seal (Poster)
- Share the Shore: Harbor Seal Pups
- Sturgeon ID Guide
- Rockfish ID Guide
- Basking Sharks: Report a Sighting
- Key to Shark ID
Sea Turtles
Do not attempt to disentangle a whale on your own. To report entanglement, injury, or disturbance of a marine mammal call or radio:
Observe Record Report Line at 1(800) 465-4336 or VHF Channel 16
1(877) SOS-WHAL [1(877) 767-9425] or radio VHF Channel 16.
- Entanglement Guide (CAN)
- Entanglement Guide (US)
- Who you gonna call? (CAN)
- SOS WHALe Brochure (US)
- Keeping whales free from fishing gear (CAN)
- Assessing potential entanglements (US)
- Catch and release: Large whale entanglements and response efforts to mitigate threats (webinar)
- Freeing a humpback whale (video)