San Juan Island West Side Voluntary No-Boat Zone
The voluntary No-Go Zone encompasses sensitive foraging and resting areas for the endangered Southern Resident killer whale. This zone extends
- ¼ mile offshore from Mitchell Point to Cattle Point, and
- ½ mile around Lime Kiln Point State Park.
This zone is in place all year at all times. To safely and responsibly navigate the west side of San Juan, keep out of the No-Go Zone!

Canadian Zones (Interim Sanctuary Zones, Speed Restricted Zones and Fishing Closures)
Click on the maps to the right for details on 2024 locations and closures for:
Strait of Juan de Fuca
- Aug 1 to Oct 31: No recreational or commercial fishing for salmon in portions of Subareas 20-4 and 20-5.
Swiftsure Bank
- Jun 1 to Nov 30: Vessel speed limited to no more than 10 knots (with some exceptions) in the Speed Restricted Zones located in portions of Subareas 21-0, 121-1 and 121-2.
- July 15 to until Oct 31: No recreational or commercial fishing for salmon in portion of Subareas 20-1, 21-0, 121-1 and 121-2.
Gulf Islands
- Jun 1 to Nov 30: No vessels or fishing (with some exceptions) in the Interim Sanctuary Zones located in a portion of Subarea 18-4 and in portions of 18-5 and 18-11. Human-powered vessels (kayaks, canoes, etc.) may use a 20 m transit corridor along the shoreline.
- NEW Voluntary Speed Reduction Zone: From June 1 to Nov 30, reduce speed to no more than 10 knots in Tumbo Channel, when safe to do so.
- May 8 until Nov 30: No recreational or commercial salmon fishing in Subarea 18-9 and portions of Subareas 18-2, 18-4 and 18-5. Specific coordinates can be found in FN0425
Mouth of the Fraser River
- Aug 1 to Sept 30: No recreational or commercial salmon fishing in a portion of Subarea 29-3.
Orange area
- In effect until May 31, 2025: Stay 400m away (with some exceptions) and do not position a vessel in the path of killer whales in all southern BC coastal waters between Campbell River and just north of Ucluelet.
Click here for more information.
Canadian Pacific waters (year round)
- Stay 200m away from all killer whales, except when in southern BC coastal waters between Campbell River and just north of Ucluelet, where you must stay 400m away from all killer whales.
- Stay 200m away from all whales, dolphins and porpoises when in resting position or with a calf.
- Stay 100m away from all other whales, dolphins and porpoises.
- Voluntary measures:
- Voluntary fishing avoidance zone: Stop fishing (do not haul gear) within 1000m of killer whales;
- Reduce speed to less than 7 knots when within 1000m of the nearest killer whale;
- When safe to do so, turn off echo sounders and fish finders when not in use; and
- If you are too close to a whale (i.e. if your vessel is not in compliance with the approach distance regulations), place engine in neutral idle and allow animals to pass.